Thursday, April 26, 2007


What amazing action photography.

Look at that form.

Good clean fun.

Josh Day draining the tray.

Patrick about to shoot.

Good times.

Scott Barber: "Is that rim 10 feet or 11?"

Queen Jehu

Battle for the post

The JEHU - a family affair.

It's not a cookie, it's a fruit newton.

Catching up on the water-cooler gossip

Matt Loveall clamping down on defense.

Bleacher bums.

"I find that Fairbairn's tripartide analysis of the conditionality of prophecy is actually quite helpful in comprehending the finer complexities of running a zone defense."

Great weather.

Waiting for the oxygen tanks to arrive.

Aaron's a champion, and he didn't even stick around for the end of the tournament.

Good game.

The championship matchup.

The champs.

The final bracket.

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